?DC Universe? The Silence of the Lambs Movie

?DC Universe? The Silence of the Lambs Movie



Tomatometers: 9 / 10
resume: A psychopath known as "Buffalo Bill" (Ted Levine) is kidnapping and murdering young women across the Midwest. Believing it takes one to know one, the F.B.I. sends trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) to interview a demented prisoner who may provide psychological insight and clues to the killer"s actions. The prisoner is psychiatrist Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Sir Anthony Hopkins), a brilliant, murderous cannibal who will only help Starling if she feeds his morbid curiosity with details of her own complicated life. This twisted relationship forces Starling to not only confront her psychological demons, but leads her face to face with a demented, heinous killer; an incarnation of evil so powerful, that she may not have the courage, or strength, to stop him
runtime: 118min
1162484 vote


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"The police around here don"t seem to have the first clue. They still are clueless, useless... I"m the bon vivant of violence, a licensed psychiatrist, Who dines on highest society to the sound of violins. 1:07 the moment she realizes. The tension in this scene is perfect. What an amazing film. 5:00 Actualy, these are maybe googles with IR source, and infrared source casts a shadow.

Wat"ch The Silence of Onli"n"e *Movpod. One of the most underrated artist of all time. Wow look at those eyes 2:27. 2:37 - Spread your legs. do i have to? I"ve got a great tuck going down there. Thank god he"s in Westworld. There"s no actor dead or alive who could play Dr. Ford like he does. I could listen to Hopkins reading me a dictionary all day long :D. The Silence of the Lambs: 10 out of 10: An FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) is assigned by her boss (Scott Glenn) to interview Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) a serial killer, whose insight might prove useful in the pursuit of another serial killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill" Ted Levine.
In the history of the Oscars Silence of the Lambs is one of the most exceptional outliers. It went into wide release on Valentine"s Day 1991 and yet swept all five major Academy Awards fourteen months later. (Best Picture, Best Actor in a Leading Role Anthony Hopkins, Best Actress in a Leading Role Jodie Foster, Best Director Jonathan Demme, Best adapted Screenplay Ted Tally.
Only two other films had accomplished this before; It Happened One Night (1934) One Flew Over The Cuckoo"s Nest (1975) and no film has achieved this since. The Silence of the Lambs was a film that kind of opened slow and gathered steam by word of mouth far away from the Oscar bait crowd. Also, The Silence of the Lambs was an R rated horror film a genre severely underrepresented by the Oscars. There is not anything else like it in Oscar history.
The Good: Let us start with the acting. Anthony Hopkins runs away with the movie despite powerful performances from the other three leads. He avoids the undeniable urge to overact and chew scenery. After all, he is playing a cannibal serial killer, and a lesser actor"s inclination would be more Heath Ledgers Joker than Masterpiece Theater. By not making any sudden movements and using only his voice and eyes in the opening scenes it sets the character up to be effective when he is tied to a hand truck with a Jason hockey mask covering everything but his eyes.
When Hopkins finally lets loose, he has lulled us into such a state of admiration that it truly is shocking. They told us he was a vicious killer and a cannibal. They tell us of what Hopkins did to that nurse just a little while ago biting out her tongue (Director Demme lets the characters see the photo of the incident but wisely hides it from the audience) Hopkins himself told us about eating the census taker"s liver with some fava beans and a nice chianti. He is still a live wire so to speak, but we are so charmed we let our guard down as an audience which makes it that more believable when the characters on screen make the same error.
Jodie Foster"s Oscar win was also well deserved. The script and director do her a dozen favors. The way Demme shoots his scenes reminds us just how small and vulnerable Jodie Foster is. The script has every character in the movie subtly (or not so subtly) hit on Jodie Foster"s character. Even (or especially) her mentor Scott Glenn. Foster"s relationship with Glenn has an undercurrent of tension whether he will risk approaching her outside of the professional bounds and honestly whether she, with her father issues, would be receptive to the same. This vulnerability makes the character work on a level rarely since in this genre. Foster"s mastery of both the accent and the physical space add incredible dimension to an already fascinating character.
The Ted Tally"s script based on a book by Thomas Harris cheats a bit in at least one memorable scene, and it is a testament to the strength of the story that instead of being annoyed by it I applaud it. The story is complicated enough to be interesting but told in a straight forward manner that avoids talking killers (Well except for Hannibal but that is after all his thing) and those last minute reveals. The entire production has that subtle, realistic midwestern sheen and color palate that reminded me of The Fugitive movie. The movie feels almost a documentary at times as its sense of time and place are so well grounded.
The Bad: Poor Ted Levine. He is the big bad in the best horror movie of the year, and no one remembers him. He was overlooked for an Oscar nomination in a year that wasn"t exactly very strong (The best supporting actor category had two nominees from Warren Beatty"s Bugsy and the winner was Jack Palance from City Slickers. His flamboyant wild take on Buffalo Bill would have been the talk of the town in any other movie, but Anthony Hopkins took all the serial killer oxygen out of the room, and bluntly people forget there was another serial killer in the film.
The ugly. To make matters worse for Ted Levine his character was the target of some quite serious protests. To quote Screenhub "Gumb has a white poodle named precious, dances around wearing women"s clothes and a scalp, and has had a homosexual relationship with at least one male in his past. On the surface, it seems pretty obvious that the character is a negative stereotype of the LGBT community." As the Los Angeles Times reported in their Oscar coverage "Threats by gay groups to disrupt the proceedings to protest the treatment of homosexuals in such films as "The Silence of the Lambs" did not materialize. But outside the Music Center, at least ten people were arrested during a noisy protest by hundreds of demonstrators."
Hollywood has a rich history of the gay or transvestite killer in movies from Psycho, to (1983 spoiler alert) Sleepaway Camp, to my personal favorite Gene Simmons in Never Too Young to Die. It turns out Silence of the Lambs seemed to be a breaking point for the LGBT community. There is even a story that Jonathan Demme purposely made Philidelphia after Silence of the Lambs as an apology to the LGBT community as if he was D. W. Griffith making Intolerance as an apology for Birth of a Nation.
There is only one person from the original production of Silence of the Lambs who still gets asked about such things in these enlightened times. Poor Ted Levine. Here he is playing a character that everyone forgot except those that were protesting it. That Screenhub quote above isn"t contemporaneous. It"s from a 2018 interview with Ted, and they treat him a bit as if he was Hanoi Jane or something. (Ted"s attempt to explain how his character wasn"t gay digs the hole a little deeper in all fairness but seriously leave poor Ted Levine alone.)
In Conclusion: The Silence of the Lambs is one of the best out and out horror films made. I know since it won a bunch of Oscars people like to call it a thriller but one character eats people, and another skins them alive and wears their skin as an outfit. I am going to go with a horror film for this one.

Make this playable on my mobile device please. A standing ovation. DAMN.


I went to Universal Studios and they took us a tour of the same house that the guy is in. Being him when i wake up and when i go to bed would allow me to keep my head high during the day. Hannibal Lector is one of the Greatest Villians of all Time. Just to let you Silence of The Lambs is not the only hannibal film. The order of them are 1. Manhunter 2. Silence 3. Hannibal 4. Hannibal Rising 5. Hannibal TV show s1, 2, and 3. I got his card in here someplace if you want to come in. My mom used this movie as a prime example of what to do if a stranger told you these things. And it worked. I always watch a lot of older Oscar acceptance speeches after every years Oscars :D And with this one I have to say: Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs is, in my opinion, probably the greatest performance ever.

They need a joint album. Best villain. I love dr.Hannibal Lecter, love you, sir Anthony Hopkins. THIS IS FUN. A PUZZLE TO BE SOLED. ESP. CONSIDERING JUST HOW SADISTIC I AM : P. I looked up psyco dad and this came lol. The moment when she sees the moth. That moment... The way he turns around and runs away like a little girl has me dying laughing. Y"all remember that iCarly episode based on silence of the lamb. Brilliant reply from Clarice at 1:01 She showed honesty, humility and charm. Lecter was impressed. 1:04:00 Military Constraints: Shelly instructed by JigsLaw to use Youtube as Warrant Accompanied Media. I just bought this video and it won"t play. I want my money back please.

The Silence of the Lambs For Free online Watch The Silence of the Lambs Full Movie Online Streaming Free Watch THE SILENCE OF Online Ibtimes.

A well deserved win by Anthony Hopkins. Also deserved it in The Remains of the Day

Well this is all it took to make me want to watch again. What a masterpiece. Much love Anthony Hopkins! What a great actor. Ted Levine is an incredible Actor. Amazing.